Audeara Kickstarter campaign cuts through the noise
CEO James welcomed Audeara Pledgends to the launch last Wednesday as the numbers ticked over earlier in the night and by 11.00pm reached the magic milestone of $100 064
Our client’s Audeara pumped up their entrepreneurial volume this week, with their headphone launch transmission coming through loud and clear to potential pledgers. Enough to meet their ambitious funding target of $100 000 on Kickstarter, not only comfortably but in less than 24 hours.
Brisbane based brain’s trust, Audeara are headed-up by a group of doctors and engineers to bring something unique to the headphone market.
The seamless package brings together an App, audiologist style 8, 16 or 32 part test to calibrate their hearing and a customisable listening experience to blow your mind. If not your mind – at least bring sweet music to your eardrums.
Audeara’s partners range from start-up accelerators, the medical industry, digital communication experts and our team overseeing product design.
The big guns of media the Australian Financial Review's technology reviewer gave the Audeara headphones a big thumbs up even after only a 45 minute prototype test in a noisy Sydney cafe.
The curators of cool online site Boss Hunting, whose readership of 2 million young Aussie males, gave it a wrap-up that explicitly says what we are all thinking, in a way that might shock a more gentile audience.
Although only on the market for a week, Audeara already has supporters from all walks of life including members of the Queensland Orchestra, electronic artist The Kite String Tangle, Wallabies and Queensland Reds players.
The best feedback comes from those with partial deafness or different degrees of hearing loss, using the headphones to transform their listening experience and put them on an even playing field with users with ‘normal’ hearing.
We are excited to see where the final Kickstarter pledge ends up at the end of the 44 days, and can’t wait to deliver on production and delivery.