Tag Tell Tails - Clandestine Design Group's client, Ceres Tag, celebrate their successful ear tag trial
Ceres Tag CEO, David Smith onsite at CSIRO Research Cattle Station with next gen smart tag.
Clandestine Design Group is currently involved in an exciting R&D project, with Ceres Tag, designing next generation smart ear tags for cattle, a project close to Design Director Neil Davidson’s heart -particularly with his country upbringing on a cattle farm.
David Smith, CEO of Ceres Tag, who is the perfect combination of entrepreneur and agricultural innovator, recognised the need for a device that blends the need for farmers to track their herd with the latest technology.
David asked CDG to be part of a collaboration between Ceres Tag, CSIRO and their technology arm, Data61.
Although mid Research and Development cycle, the tags reached the point where they needed to be trialled. This very successful trial happened this week on 100 cattle at a CSIRO's Lansdown Research Station near Townsville, Queensland.
The results were very encouraging with the tags and the applicator working well, for both farmer and beast with very little reaction and discomfort shown from the cattle.
Farmers are going to benefit hugely from this device saving them time and monitoring and tracking stock whilst also being notified. Being able to see unusual movements when their cattle are sick or giving birth and need urgent assistance.
Read more and watch their Video about the trial process and the CSIRO’s onboard technology and data gathering process to manage animal herds by clicking the below links:
images; courtesy of and thanks to CSIRO