Policy: Refunds

This Refund Policy applies to any order made on the domain http://clandestinedesigngroup.com or all associated pages, applications, and resources (“Website”). 

This Refund Policy also applies to our Products to the extent that we are obliged to Rectify a Defect in relation to them.

This Refund Policy is to be read in conjunction with, and is subject to, our website terms and conditions which can be accessed at http://clandestinedesigngroup.com/terms.

1.             Definitions

                   Rectify means to have the Product repaired, replaced, or to receive a refund in accordance with this Refund Policy.

                   Product means a product sold by us to you through the Website, or through an authorised reseller.

                   Defect means a Product defect that is caused by us or our agents or suppliers, but excludes damage caused to the Product by any other party; including without limitation damage caused during transport of the product to or from you, or damage caused by Misuse.

                   Misuse means use that may cause damage to the Product and includes without limitation:

(a)            wilfully damaging the Product;

(b)            negligently damaging the Product;

(c)            using the product without due care and diligence;

(d)            using the Product in contravention of the instructions or warranty statement, if any;

(e)            installing the Product in contravention of the instructions or warranty statement, if any; or

(f)             exposing the Product to harsh environments, or cleaning agents or methods, such as abrasives, acids, alkalines, surfactants, or polishes. 

2.             Refunds

                   The Products we sell are unique and are manufactured in limited numbers.  We do not provide refunds on our Products if you simply change your mind about your purchase of our Products.  However, we will provide refunds, replacements, or repairs in other circumstances as outlined in this Refund Policy.

3.             Minor defects

3.1           A minor Defect is a Defect that noticeably affects the intended aesthetic of the Product, or reduces the functionality of the product when compared to its specifications.

3.2           If a Product you have purchased has a minor Defect and you want the Product Rectified, then please notify us, and provide photographic evidence of that Defect.

3.3           Upon receipt of a notice, if we deem a product to have a minor Defect, at our discretion we will provide you with a repair, replacement, or refund. 

4.             Major defect

4.1           A major Defect is a Defect that substantially impairs the functional or aesthetic qualities or capabilities of the Product, including:

(a)            where the Defect would have stopped someone from buying it if they had known about it;

(b)            it is unsafe;

(c)            it is significantly different from the sample or description; or

(d)            it doesn’t do what we have described.

4.2           If a Product you have purchased has a major Defect and you want the product Rectified, then please notify us, and provide photographic evidence of that Defect.

4.3           Upon receipt of a notice, if we deem a product to have a major Defect, we will provide you with a replacement or refund at our discretion, and we will pay for the cost of shipping the replacement within Australia.

5.             Returning products

5.1           We may reasonably require that you return a Defective Product to us, before we provide you with a repair, replacement, or refund.

5.2           Unless we agree otherwise, you are responsible for the cost of returning the Product to us. 

5.3           If you transport a Product to us, the Product is at your risk until we receive it at the location we have notified to you for the return. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you are responsible for taking out sufficient insurance for the replacement cost of any Product that you transport to us. We are not responsible for Products lost in transit.

5.4           If you return a Product to us, and we determine that there is no Defect, then you are responsible for all costs of transporting the goods between us and you, and:

(a)            if we pay the costs of retrieving a Product from you or pay any amount in relation to its transport back to us, we may require you to reimburse us for such amount; and

(b)            we may require that you pay us in advance for all costs of transporting the Product back to you.

6.             Proof of receipt

6.1           Only original purchasers of our Products may claim benefit under this Refund Policy.

6.2           We may require that you prove that you are the original purchaser by supplying us with a receipt for the Product.

7.             Notices – how to claim a repair, refund, or replacement

7.1           If a Product that you have purchased has a Defect, and you want to have it rectified, please contact us by email at info@clandestinedesigngroup.com.